Welcome to my GITA 3 Webpage!

My name is Vlad Tiplea. I am a Senior this year at Brea Olidnda High School. This year I am taking Gita 3
I am learning p5.js
I have all of my projects posted so you can see them.

Avatar Holiday Card


This is Grug, my avatar. He is a caveman from the flintstones.

Landsccape Animation


This project creates a landscape and animates the day and night cycle.

Tutorial Project


For this project, I made a tutorial of how to draw my avatar.

Child's Game


This is a game I made to help children with their coordonation.

Helicopter Project


This a game with a helicopter that falls if you dont press arrow key. There are also birds that fly awway from it.

Bouncing Bullets


This is a game where you try to shoot your enemy, but bullets bounce off the wall. If you get hit by your own bullets, you take damage.

Final Project


This is a game where you have to type the the given phrase as fast as possible.